I know I haven't blogged in over a week, but because I had two blog posts in a single week previously I'm hoping you'll forgive me. Now, let's get down to business...
I am quite intrigued - almost on a daily basis - at how life works it's self out. The purpose-filled connections we make, and the opportune timing of events. I mean if you think about it everything that has brought you to this moment here has been meticulously calculated up to this very second. The people you have come across, the career path you chose, the events in your life, and even the minor activities that you plan over your weekends. Everything has some form of significance somewhere. If you don't understand what I'm saying then rent a movie called 'The Adjustment Bureau' starring Matt Damon and that should give you a lead.
For those of us who are accelerated, let me fill you in on what got me thinking about this. Last week Saturday I had the coolest privilege of watching my very first Broadway production, The Lion King. In the moment right after I purchased my ticket from the box office I then realized that, oddly enough, The Lion King was also my very first movie way back in 1995 as a 6/7 year-old kid. Significance? Well it's nothing that will change your life forever, but The Lion King is also a production I had auditioned for back home but having not known very much about the world of Musical Theatre at the time. Needless to say I did not get cast. Now, as the circle of life would have it, one of my instructors at the New York Film Academy, Thom Christopher Warren, is a part of the cast and has been a part of this Broadway production for the past nine years. Maybe it's just me, but the dot's I'm connecting are pretty cool.
Anyway, after the show I get a personal backstage tour from the the man himself and I have the opportunity to also say 'howzit' to some fellow South Africans who are a part of the cast. Throughout my tour Thom drops statements such as 'when you're a part of the The Lion King...' in an attempt to spur me on and encourage me I guess. Two words: it worked! Here's a dot I'm already seeing: next time The Lion King holds auditions I will already have a good word on the inside as long as I continue to work hard prove myself in the days of learning.
Similarly, my housing woes in the city have come to an end and I attribute it to this very Circle of Life. I now live with a friend of mine who has followed a totally different journey to me in life, but yet here we are together in New York City in the same apartment at the end. In short, Willem is a virtuoso pianist/composer/arranger who was a school mate in Bloemfontein, later became my vocal coach in our chamber choir (glee club) at school, we then became friends and kept contact through the wonders of technology such as Facebook and Skype, and now after almost ten years we are roommates in New York City and are both in the same industry. How cool is that?
If you haven't noticed, a lot of my posts are loosely based on scriptural references and are over-simplified (sometimes over-explained) versions of things a guy much smarter and wiser than I will ever be once said. As I write this, here is what comes to mind:
"And we know that God causes EVERYTHING to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them" - Romans 8:28 (NLT)
P.S In the next post I'll tell you more about the amazing show I watched yesterday! WOW! Look out for it.